Is it a baby, yet?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I hate the days between ovulation and the beginning of a new cycle. I want to go to sleep until the earliest day I can pregnancy test. I want to have sex without wondering whether something we've done has upset the "natural balance" of my ladybusiness.
I just want to be pregnant.
The hardest thing is when the ovulation window is gone for the month and you know it'll be a whole month until you have another chance. A month can be a very long time.
How is it that most of my girlfriends when I was a teenager got knocked up at the drop of a hat? Oh yeah, they were 16 and having sex like mad bunnies.
13 days to go...
posted by Christine Hammond @ 11:42 PM,
- At 8:09 AM, Christine said...
I can't remember if I've asked, but how long have you been trying? It takes some people longer the first go around. It took Rachel about 7 months with Dex. I know you've heard this a million times, but don't stress! Relax! It will happen! I know when you're trying, it seems like each month is an eternity, but I am sure you will soon be posting about puking every morning and swollen ankles.
- At 10:06 PM, Christine Hammond said...
We've only been seriously trying since December. I really should just learn some patience. Besides, trying is fun.
- At 8:12 AM, Christine said...
That's not that long at all!! Seriously, give it time. Enjoying the trying, the anticipation part. Because trust me, it's all down hill from there. ha! No, really, 4 months is nothing. Plus, with moving and all, I'm sure you're stressed. I found a couple of my super cute maternity sundresses, so when you get here, I'll have a couple of items for you!